AS197 Ask Sister podcast recorded live with Sister Maxine and soon-to-be-Sister Jane. Topics: visit to national basilica, feeling guilty about vocation, a nunly life, religion questions for extraterrestrials.
Details about today's show:
(1:42) Visit to the amazing Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
(6:00) Listener question: What happens if you follow God’s calling but feel guilty about it?
(11:43) Guilt vs. sin vs. social expectations.
(15:00) Giving people the space to grow with you in your vocation.
(18:50) Soon-to-be-Sister Jane talks about upcoming novitiate.
(20:10) I’m not a nun but want to have a nun-like life of service—how can I do that?
(21:35) A nunly disposition of service.
(25:00) Praying the newspaper, praying the newsfeed.
(28:00) How the tradition of religious life helps people even if they’re not nuns.
(29:30) Listener question: What’s the right age to enter religious life, and what if I need to wait?
(34:00) Listener question: If there’s intelligent life on other planets, what questions would you ask them about religion?
(38:12) Insights from Battlestar Gallactica (if it’s in the movies, it must be real, right…).
(44:00) First nun in space?
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